
When you are a caregiver for parents or loved ones who are aging-in-place, one of your most important considerations is safety. As your parent age, they might develop mobility or balance issues which can create safety concerns as they opt to stay in their home as they age.

Portland Accessibility Remodelers can offer caregivers and their parents home modification options that will not only ensure increased safety but also make homes that are easier to navigate independently and customized to meet your parent’s individual needs. With those goals in mind, keep reading to learn three tips for caregivers with parents aging-in-place!

1. Install Ramps on Exterior Stairs 

Exterior stairways, like the stairs to a front or side door, can become inaccessible for individuals with mobility or balance issues or individuals who need to use a wheelchair or other mobility device. In the Northeast, with our long winters, exterior stairs can become dangerously slippery when it rains or snows.

Portland Accessibility Remodelers can install ramps of all sizes. There are multiple options, from a simple ramp that covers just a few steps to a more complex ramp with a switchback that can safely allow wheelchairs or scooters to drive up to a front or side doorway. 

There are aluminum modular ramps that can be excellent for short-term use. Alternatively, you can have a custom ramp permanently installed and customized to suit your parent’s exact safety needs.

Ramps can give caregivers and their parents’ peace of mind as they enter and exit their homes.

2. Consider a Stairlift for Interior Stairways

If your parent’s home is multi-storied and it’s not possible to live on just one floor, a stairlift makes it easy to continue to safely access all floors of a house. Stairlifts enable your loved ones to continue to sleep in bedrooms and use bathrooms on the second floor and then cook in a kitchen and watch television in a living room on the first floor.

Choosing and installing the right stairlift for your parents is easy with Portland Accessibility Remodelors. We have stairlift models that can accommodate stairways with a curve or bend in the middle and models that can be accessed by a wheelchair.

We also have models with specially made controls for individuals with dexterity issues. No matter what their needs are, we can help you choose the stairlift model that is exactly right for your parents and their home.

3. Increase Bathroom Safety with Grab Bars and Handles

Stability in bathrooms is a significant safety concern for those who are aging-in-place as slips and falls in the bathroom can lead to some of the most serious injuries. When strategically placed, grab bars and handles can provide needed support and safety as your parents continue to use the bathroom independently.

Portland Accessibility Remodelors takes the guesswork out of choosing and installing grab bars and handles. We can offer you the expertise to choose between a wide array of options, from the right material for a grab bar or handle to the best spots for installation. 

With professionally installed grab bars and handles, you can worry less about potential injuries in your parent’s bathroom. When you are the caregiver for parents who are aging-in-place, making sure your parent’s house is safe and accessible is a huge responsibility and can be overwhelming. 

With Portland Accessibility Remodelers, we can offer you the options and expertise to ensure that your parents are safe as they happily stay in the comfort of their own homes.

Do you want to learn more about how we can help you with all of your aging-in-place needs? Contact the professionals at Portland Accessibility Remodelers in Falmouth, ME, today!